Thursday, 11 October 2012

Tudor Food - Homework help!

Here are some links about Tudor food - I hope you find them helpful when you are researching your Learning Log homework!

Have a look at the podcast about the Tudor High Table Meal and Tudor Low table Meal!
There are even some yummy looking recipes!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Practise Telling the Time!

Try your time telling skills out here!

 Feeling confident? Have a go at this game now...

A harder challenge....

Hamster's Name Announced!

The  hamster's new name is Nibbles -  isn't it nice!

We think the new name for the Hamster is so cool!!!!


From William

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Meet the Team!

Our class representatives would like to introduce themselves to you:

 Hi,  I am the Equality Councillor for 4L. I hope to make everyone happy and equal.

Hello,  I am the Class Listener for 4L. I would like to help people to stay friends when they fall out.

Hi, I am the Bench Buddy for 4L. I shall make playtimes so happy that I hope noone will go to the friendship bench.
Hi , I am the School Councillor for 4L. I want to introduce workshops to help the school council raise more money for charity. I also want to represent my class. At the moment I am gathering their ideas to improve the playground.

To whom it may concern, I  promise to be the best Bench Buddy I can be for 4J.

 I will be a good class listener for 4J because I will sort things out!

 As 4J's school councillor I will bring everyones ideas to the attention of the school council.
Hi,  I am the Green Councillor for 4L. I would like to make this school an eco-friendly place and a clean environment.

As 4J's Equality councillor I will keep an eye out for any racist behaviour and accept everyone for who they are.

As 4J's Green councillor I will keep a look out for people who litter and report people who waste resources.