Saturday, 22 December 2012

Happy Christmas Everyone!

I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas! 
I can't wait to see you all again in January!
Mrs Lilley xx

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Tudor Food - Homework help!

Here are some links about Tudor food - I hope you find them helpful when you are researching your Learning Log homework!

Have a look at the podcast about the Tudor High Table Meal and Tudor Low table Meal!
There are even some yummy looking recipes!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Practise Telling the Time!

Try your time telling skills out here!

 Feeling confident? Have a go at this game now...

A harder challenge....

Hamster's Name Announced!

The  hamster's new name is Nibbles -  isn't it nice!

We think the new name for the Hamster is so cool!!!!


From William

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Meet the Team!

Our class representatives would like to introduce themselves to you:

 Hi,  I am the Equality Councillor for 4L. I hope to make everyone happy and equal.

Hello,  I am the Class Listener for 4L. I would like to help people to stay friends when they fall out.

Hi, I am the Bench Buddy for 4L. I shall make playtimes so happy that I hope noone will go to the friendship bench.
Hi , I am the School Councillor for 4L. I want to introduce workshops to help the school council raise more money for charity. I also want to represent my class. At the moment I am gathering their ideas to improve the playground.

To whom it may concern, I  promise to be the best Bench Buddy I can be for 4J.

 I will be a good class listener for 4J because I will sort things out!

 As 4J's school councillor I will bring everyones ideas to the attention of the school council.
Hi,  I am the Green Councillor for 4L. I would like to make this school an eco-friendly place and a clean environment.

As 4J's Equality councillor I will keep an eye out for any racist behaviour and accept everyone for who they are.

As 4J's Green councillor I will keep a look out for people who litter and report people who waste resources.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Horrid Henry (the VIII of course!)

Can you tell the difference between the real Henry and the members of 4L dressing up?!


As part of our study of the character of Henry VIII, we decided to dress up as Henry to see how it felt to be the King. Our photos show some of us taking on the personality of Henry VIII!

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Oakwell Hall Trip

Year 4 visited Oakwell Hall last week. To find out more about Oakwell hall visit:


Here are a few photos of Year 4 at Oakwell Hall.  For more photos, visit our school website.

As you can see, we had a great time and learned so much too about the lives of the rich and poor children in Tudor times!



RUCSAC Read on to find out more...

The RUCSAC method is a way of helping us to solve word problems.
Check out the photograph to see what the letters of RUCSAC stand for.

Name the hamster!

 I hope that you are enjoying feeding our new virtual class pet, the hamster.

He really needs a name! Have you got any suggestions?

Mrs Lilley

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Welcome to our Year 4 blog!

  • Welcome to the Year 4 blog. This is an exciting new development in Year 4.

  • We will share with you some of the things we are learning in school.

  • We hope that you enjoy reading our news!